Wednesday, April 9, 2008


DESTINY THE NOVEL is PANEAGLE'S grand trilogy novel, written over the past 10 years, decade, that describes a human experience and events both within and beyond Earth. It takes us into galactic and worldly relationships, towards a planetary transformation along the illuminated way, through a portal of time to present day events. Three stories in one, DESTINY moves quickly from one of the oldest galactic planets, Exis, to the center of our galaxy, with a blind Contemplative and the special soul rock that powers light ships, to Earth, among astronomers investigating an abandoned alien soul traveler, and a group of worldly aware chosen ones against a galactic threat in hidden dimensions. We follow a lost family from the inner realms to New York City, as we coincidentally follow a mixed breed American Indian geologist and his lover through his past historical lineage to a time portal within the planet, as he finds himself amidst a great adventure of timeless proportions and present day revelations, leading to a universal perspective crossing both spiritual and human dimensions. Destiny should be read before New Years, 2012, during this coming year, as well as through this web site and email, your chance to understand and grasp the universal perception in this lifetime. It is not the end of the world, but may be for many, a true beginning. Read DESTINY, by email, through the next 12 months, even if only for entertainment, to know you may even come to truly understand what is the true consciousness and the illuminated way, in this lifetime.

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